Assembling Computer

Assembled Computer : Manufactured and assembled by a company. Eg. IBM, DELL, HP, Tosiba etc.

Assembled Computer : Assembled by user after collecting all required hardwares.

Electric Safety:
  • Make sure to turn off power supply before work.
  • Never touch the source point with bear hand
  • Don't work on circuit, at tired/under medicine
  • Don't work with circuit unless you've familiar with its potential hazard.
  • Don't work when your hands are wet or standing on wet floor or metal steel.
  • Metal tools should be covered with good insulator.
  • Don't leave your job in dangerous condition.
  • Make sure everything is alright before connecting power supply.
Steps to Assemble
  • Collect Essential peripherals
  • Like: Motherboard, Processor, RAM, Hard Disk, Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse, Case, CD/DVD drive, O/S installation CD etc.
  • Checking
  • Check all cables and screws, cables for power supply, HDD, CD/DVD etc. Check devices and their manuals.
  • Get Started
  • Start connecting devices eg. RAM, CPU, CPU Fan, Motherboard, HDD, CD/DVD, FDD etc.
  • Final Check
  • Take a final look to the assembled PC. IF You find everything right, put the power cable and switch on power. If you get the system information on the screen, Congratulation assembly of PC is successful.
