Computer Virus and Antivirus


Computer Virus and Antivirus
The computer Virus is the sets of some such codes which are organized to create disorder in the computer system. A computer virus is a computer program that can copy itself and infect a computer without permission or knowledge of user. Computer virus is a type of software. The computer virus is designed to corrupt or stole the data of PC and stops the PC to run.

Sources of PC virus
The PC viruses are not like human virus which can transfer through air. The big source of computer virus is the Internet. Most of Viruses creators are connected with the internet and they do transfer their product in internet directly or indirectly. If any user browse the site than his/her pc might be infected by virus. Other sources of virus are data transfer media like floppy disk, pen drive etc. If we use virus infected media with out virus scanning than our pc can be infected by the virus.

Symptoms of virus infected PC
Simply when we get sick, we can't perform the day to day tasks as usual, the same is pc. When pc starts to show unwanted activities, starts to display strange error message, computer become slow, computer hang, than we can guess our pc is infected by virus.
The symptoms of viruses vary from virus to virus. Some virus just performs their task secretly.

  • Install and regularly update anti-virus.
  • Do not download and install unknown/unwanted softwares.
  • Do not browse sites with pornographic content.
  • Do not use the data transfer media without virus scnning.
  • Do not install unknown/unwanted games, softwares.
 Some example of popular anti virus
  • Kaspersky
  • NOD32
  • Norton Antivirus
  • Avira Antivirus
  • AVG Antivirus
  • Mcafe
  • Panda
  • Avast Antivirus
Generally Virus Disable these features:
  • Taskmanager
  • Folder Options
  • Show hidden file or folder
  • Registry editor tool
  • Command prompt
