Disk operating System (DOS)

DOS (Disk operating System) Commands
The DOS commands are the instructions or commands that we use in Disk Operating System for Communications between the users and the system. The commands also serve as an interface between the users and the computers. We can use DOS commands either within the system or outside system that is using an external disk.
To start a DOS command in Windows,
  • Click on Start>Accessories>Command Prompt
  • Click on Start>Run> Type "command" or "cmd" and click ok
Basically there are 2 types of DOS commands:
  • Internal Commands
  • External Commands
Internal Commands
Internal commands are those commands that can be used within the system, that means when the computer boot or starts. The Internal Commands are used for carrying out certain operations within the system like viewing directories, folders, files, and creating, editing and deleting files, folders etc.
Some of the internal commands are:
  • cd\ : This command is used to back out of a directory into the root drive.
  • dir : This command shows all the existing files or folders within our specified location.
  • cd : This command is used to get inside a directory. Syntax: CD foldername
  • md : This command creates a folder or directory in our specified location. Syntyax: md foldername
  • edit :  Creates a text file. Syntax : edit filename.txt
  • ren :  This command is used to rename any files and folders. Syntax : ren "filename/foldername" "file name/folder name"
  • rd :  This command removes the directory we created. Syntax : rd "foldername"
  • del :  This command deletes any file and folder we wish to. Syntax : del "file/folder name"
  • copy : This command is used to create as well as copy a file from one location to another. Syntax : copy "filename/foldername "destination"
  • date : This command gives the current system date. We can even change the date of the system if it is not correct.
  • time : This command gives the current time of the system and we can also change it if it is incorrect.
  • vol : This command gives the the Volume name and Serial number of the current drive.
  • cls : This command clears the command prompt screen.
  • Attrib file/foldername +r : Makes the file/folder read only
  • Attrib file/foldername -r : Removes the readonly attribute from the file/folder.
  • Attrib file/foldername +h : Makes the file/folder hidden.
  • dir /ah : Shows the hidden files/folders.
  • Attrib file/foldername -h : Removes the hidden attribute from the file/folder.
  • Format drivename : Formats the specified drive.
  • Alt + Enter : Command Prompt in Full Screen mode.
  • exit : This command is used to quit out of the command prompt.
External Commands
External command is also known as System Commands and without external commands we cannot boot (start) the computer. The external commands are usually the system files and have the .com extension. FDISK is a typical example of the external command.
